The Bonney Lake Courier-Herald published an op-ed by Sumner Mayor Dave Enslow that I really appreciated:
“The trouble with politicians is ….” It’s a statement I hear a lot today and, depending on the political bent, gets concluded in all sorts of ways. Having been in politics for many years now, I can tell you that the real trouble for politicians is that they have to manage the big picture. They don’t get the luxury of concentrating on just one issue and painting it with a “good guy” and a “bad guy” scenario as clear as a gunfight in an old spaghetti western. They have to wade into the morass of complex issues. There’s only so much to go around and what you take for Paul comes from Peter, and vice versa, to borrow the old expression. Budgets have to balance, rules have to be followed, and competing interests must be balanced. All political jokes aside, it can be a truly thankless job.
So, I’d like to step out and say thank you, especially to our State legislators. Senator Pam Roach started off the session by joining in Sumner’s concern for the rapidly increasing threat of flooding on the White River. She pushed her request for funding the White River Restoration Project to bring all of us together to plan a good, long-term solution for the rivers benefiting both fish and flood protection. On the House side, our new Representative Drew Stokesbary really listened to the concerns of local businesses, Sound Transit, East Pierce Fire & Rescue and our Chamber about the sadly outdated and overburdened SR 410 interchange with Traffic Avenue. He’s working hard on finding the funding to replace the overpass with one that really works.
None of it is easy, and every action has a reaction. While we don’t know the outcomes yet as the legislators continue to work through their special session, we do know that they have fought well for Sumner’s interests. And, because it doesn’t get said enough, I want to say “thank you,” because I think they really do deserve our thanks.